
Programming Notes

by Tom Young

Welcome to the BIP's Autumn Gathering 2023! Thank you for joining us once again (or possibly for the first time) for another fantastic weekend of community, learning, and — of course — improv.

Workshop choices

Once again, I'm delighted to be able to offer such a varied workshop programme, with some new teachers joining the stalwarts. This should help to keep our programme fresh, and present new perspectives on this art-form we all love so much.

Having raised our attendee-cap to 90, this means we're offering six different workshop options throughout the weekend, so there's plenty to choose from.


Once again, our jams will be 90-minute sessions during the workshop programme. Each led/MC'd by experienced improvisers, we hope they'll give people a chance to perform on a smaller scale, offering more stage time per person with less pressure to do the perfect scene in your one opportunity on stage.

Hopefully these will give everyone a chance to show off what they can do, in a supportive, positive atmosphere.

Evening Entertainment

As always, there will be evening entertainment on Friday and Saturday! Our list of attendees happens to include some of the UK's best improvisers, and we've asked them to show us their wares for an evening.

One of our acts will be The Teachers! We'll be asking them to perform together, show off their skills, and provide your entertainment for the Friday evening, giving you a flavour of what you might expect from their workshops.

We'll also be featuring performances from Joined at the Quip, Canny Funny, Stephen Longstaffe, Barnish & Carmichael, Improv On Demand, SomerSand and the Battle of the Superteams, featuring players from Stürike!, Young + Butcher, Leamprov and Just Ad Hoc.

For those in the audience, please look to be supportive and welcoming of the performers — this may involve a slight moderation of your drinking, at least until after the show (i.e. please don't think “I'm not performing tonight, so I'm just going to get hammered and shout things out”). I don't expect this to be a big problem as everyone's very nice, but I'd just ask that you treat the performers on stage as you would want to be treated!

Workshop Descriptions