Welfare & Wellbeing

by Alex Keen

Hi, we're Alex, Bobby, Carly, Jen & Jo and we are your Welfare team for this BIP weekend. We're here for you to talk to if you have any concerns or issues with anything at BIP, or if you just fancy a chat. Come and find us at any point over the weekend — we'll be the ones wearing pink BIP shirts.

Incident reporting

To report an urgent incident, please find one of us, Geoff or Tom. If you cannot find a person, call Alex on 0751 772 3666. For non-urgent incidents or complaints, please use the form below. When you report an incident, there is no required information and we will respect any requests for privacy. However, the more information we have to act on and potentially relay to others where necessary, the better we will be equipped to solve any immediate or ongoing problems and make things better in the future.

Code of conduct and behaviour at the venue

Trigger warning: noise

At various points over the weekend, 90 improvisers will be in one room together — this can get very noisy. Please be aware of this if you have sound sensitivities, especially during warm up/get to know you games, or the evening entertainment.

Your event, your feedback

Since 2021, we've shared a feedback form after each event to understand where the event shines and where we can make improvements. The overall tone of feedback has been consistently positive (every year, 95% or more say they would come back again, which says it all), but has also highlighted areas ripe for improvement. Here are a few of the changes we&ve made since the last event with your help:

Jams and evening shows

Feedback on the evening entertainment model remains hugely positive, but two common threads emerged from the feedback. Some people felt they were unable to jam because there were just too many not-to-miss workshops (good problems to have!), while others felt they would like more opportunities to perform. To address this, we've tagged out Just a Minute for an optional jam during the Saturday afternoon break, for those who just can't get enough. Meanwhile, we invited you all to submit a pitch for the evening performance, and we've managed to programme every group that applied!

Workshop choices

Your input also has a big influence on how Tom selects workshops. By popular request, this weekend features workshops on compering/hosting, game of the scene and various techniques to improve acting. We've also added more Level 1 workshops to the first half of the weekend so newer improvisers have a smoother introduction to the event and the artform.

This is your event, so thanks for sharing your feedback and look out for the form once you're safely back home!