British Improv Project




Time Event
Fri 17:00 Arrivals
Fri 18:00 Dinner (available until 19:30 for latecomers)
Fri 19:00 Name Games & warmups in Maple
Fri 19:30
Workshop Slot 1
Fri 21:30
Evening Entertainment
  • The Teachers & Jam Leaders Show
  • Joined at the Quip present: Bottle
  • Canny Funny
Fri 23:00 End of today's programming
Sat 07:00 Breakfast (served to 08:30)
Sat 09:00
Workshop Slot 2
Sat 10:30 Mid-morning coffee
Sat 11:00
Workshop Slot 3
Sat 12:30 Lunch!
Sat 13:30
Workshop Slot 4
Sat 15:00 Group photos! (location tbd, depending on weather)
Sat 15:30
Free Time
  • 13:30 The Matinee Jam. Open to all, names and games out of a hat until we run out of time.
Sat 18:00 Dinner!
Sat 19:30
Evening Entertainment
  • Stephen Longstaffe: Shakespeare on the Spot
  • Barnish & Carmichael
  • Improv On Demand
  • SomerSand: Into The Soul
  • Theatre Games with the Superteams
Sat 23:00 End of today's programming
Sun 07:00 Breakfast (served until 08:30).
Sun 09:00
Workshop Slot 5
Sun 10:30 Mid-morning coffee.
Sun 11:00
Workshop Slot 6
Sun 12:30 Lunch!
Sun 13:30 Thank yous and goodyes.